故宫博物院 |
故宫博物院 The Palace Museum 紫禁城,又称故宫,至今已有580多年的历史,给联合国教科文组织列入为“世界文化遗产”。LAX作为故宫博物院户外扩声设计和工程承包商,针对故宫的实地情况,采用了先进的网络广播智能控制系统和“多布点、高指向、匀声压”的原则,声效指标得到了领导的高度评价。 The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, has a history of more than 580 years and was listed as a "World Cultural Heritage" by UNESCO. As a contractor for the outdoor sound amplification design and engineering of the Palace Museum, LAX adopted an advanced network broadcast intelligent control system and the principle of "multiple points, high direction and even sound pressure" for the actual situation of the Palace Museum, and the sound efficiency index was highly praised by the leaders.