颐和园 |
颐和园 The Summer Palace 颐和园是清朝的皇家行宫和大型皇家园林,以人工建筑与自然山水巧妙结合的造园手法著称于世,是中国园林艺术顶峰时期的代表。1998年,颐和园被评为世界文化遗产。LAX续故宫博物院工程后,再次为世界级的皇家园林提供产品和技术服务。 The Summer Palace is the imperial palace and large-scale imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty. It is famous for the skillful combination of artificial architecture and natural landscape. It is the representative of the peak period of Chinese garden art.In 1998, the Summer Palace was named a World Cultural Heritage Site.LAX continues the project of the Palace Museum, and once again provides products and technical services to world-class royal gardens.