2014年北京APEC峰会 |
2014年北京APEC峰会 2014 APEC summit in Beijing 2014年11月10日,LAX鼎力助阵亚太经济合作组织APEC文艺演出晚会,以足够的声压级、卓越的音色,保证现场扩声覆盖每一个位置,让每一位观众均拥有顶级的视听感受。“零失误”完成扩声任务,获得高度赞扬! On November 10, 2014, lax gave full support to the APEC Gala performance. With sufficient sound pressure level and excellent timbre, it ensured that the live sound reinforcement covered every position, so that every audience had the top audio-visual experience. "Zero error" to complete the task of sound reinforcement and get high praise at the same time!