2015年北京世界田径锦标赛 |
2015年北京世界田径锦标赛 2015 Beijing World Track and Field Championships 2015年8月22日,继2008年北京奥运会后,LAX延续中国声音梦,承接“鸟巢”国家体育场扩声系统维护改造工程,为第十五届世界田径锦标赛提供优质专业的扩声系统服务,再一次“让世界听到我们的声音”! On August 22, 2015, after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, LAX continued the Chinese voice dream, undertook the maintenance and renovation project of the sound reinforcement system of the "bird's nest" National Stadium, and provided high-quality professional sound reinforcement system services for the 15th World Track and Field Championships, once again "let the world hear our voice"!