第一到第三届亚洲沙滩运动会 |
第一到第三届亚洲沙滩运动会 亚洲沙滩运动会简称亚沙会,是亚洲规模最大的沙滩综合性运动会,2008年开始LAX凭借专业的产品和完善的技术服务,在众多品牌中脱颖而出,成为扩声系统独家运营商,迈出了“打造世界品牌”的第一步,同时也实现了中国专业音响企业在国际大型体育赛扩声工程“零”的突破。 The first to the third Asian Beach Games The Asian Beach Games, is the largest comprehensive Beach Games in Asia. Since 2008, LAX with its professional products and perfect technical services, has stood out among many brands and become the exclusive operator of sound reinforcement system. It has taken the first step of "building a world brand". At the same time, it also achieved the breakthrough of "zero" in the sound reinforcement project of China's professional sound enterprises in international large-scale sports games.