国家体育场 |
国家体育场 The National Stadium LAX以唯一一家中国品牌的身份击败国内外竞争对手,签约成为国家体育场“鸟巢”专用音响品牌,实现了奥运主场馆采用中国音响零的突破。随后更是拿下了近1/6的北京奥运比赛场馆扩声工程项目。“鸟巢”共使用236只双十二寸全频线阵列扬声器,均匀覆盖观众席与场地区域。1 LAX, as the only Chinese brand, has defeated its competitors at home and abroad and signed a contract to become a special audio brand for the National Stadium "bird's nest", realizing the breakthrough of adopting Chinese audio in the Olympic Stadium. Then it won nearly 1 / 6 of the sound reinforcement projects of Beijing Olympic venues. The bird's nest uses 236 pieces of dual 12 inch line array loudspeakers to evenly cover the auditorium and venue area.