广州国际体育演艺中心 |
广州国际体育演艺中心 Guangzhou international sports arena 广州国际体育演艺中心位于萝岗区的华南首个NBA场馆,外形酷似鸟巢,如今已经有不少人管广州国际体育中心主体育馆为“凤巢”。场馆占地6.5万平方米,拥有1.8万个座位的广州国际体育演艺中心,是继北京五棵松篮球馆、上海世博会演艺中心之后的国内第三个NBA规格专业篮球馆,它也将成为迄今为止中国最顶级的专业篮球场馆。 2 Guangzhou International Sports Performance Center is located in Luogang District, the first NBA stadium in South China, which looks like the bird's nest. Now many people have called the main stadium of Guangzhou International Sports Center "phoenix nest". The venue covers an area of 65000 square meters and has 18000 seats. It is the third NBA professional basketball hall in China after Beijing Wukesong Basketball Hall and Shanghai World Expo Performing Arts Center. It will also become the top professional basketball hall in China so far.