深圳大运中心 |
深圳大运中心 Shenzhen Universiade Center 2011年锐丰科技正式签约成为“扩声系统独家运营商”的身份参与了这次盛事,技术团队根据体育场特点,量身定做最适合的扩声系统设计方案,20组共176只LAX AG系统音箱分别固定安装在顶棚马道旁的钢架节点上,音箱的分布被戏称为“毛毛虫”音箱。3 In 2011, LAX officially signed a contract to become the "exclusive operator of sound reinforcement system" and participated in the event. According to the characteristics of the stadium, the technical team customized the most suitable sound reinforcement system design scheme. A total of 176 pieces of LAX AG system speakers in 20 groups were fixed on the steel frame nodes beside the roof raceway, and the distribution of speakers was called "Caterpillar" speakers.