四川渠县公共文化体育中心 |
四川渠县公共文化体育中心 Sichuan Quxian public culture and Sports Center 渠县体育馆是渠县公共文化体育中心一期项目,投资约1.8亿元,总建筑面积约30000平方米。是集体育竞赛、训练健身、会展演出、应急避灾等功能于一体的中型体育馆。LAX的扬声器作为体育场馆的主场扩声。5 Quxian gymnasium is a phase I project of Quxian public cultural and Sports Center, with an investment of about 180 million yuan and a total construction area of about 30000 square meters. It is a medium-sized gymnasium with the functions of sports competition, training and fitness, exhibition performance, emergency and disaster avoidance. The loudspeakers of LAX are used as the main sound reinforcement of the stadium.