武汉五环体育中心+武汉大学大学生体育活动中心 |
武汉五环体育中心+武汉大学大学生体育活动中心 Wuhan Wuhuan Sports Center + Wuhan University Student Sports Center 武汉五环体育中心作为第七届世界军人运动会主要承办场馆之一,举办所有的田径比赛项目,游泳馆将举办水上救生比赛项目,体育馆将举办乒乓球比赛项目。LAX承担了体育中心馆内扩声系统产品以及系统设计,以中国民族品牌实力,为军运会扬起新时代的声音,为世界军人加油助威。 Wuhan Wuhuan Sports Center, as one of the main venues of the 7th world military games, will hold all the track and field events, the swimming pool will hold the water life-saving events, and the gymnasium will hold the table tennis events. Lax has undertaken the products and system design of the sound reinforcement system in the sports center. With the strength of Chinese national brand, LAX has raised the voice of the new era for the military games and cheered the world's soldiers 拥有“孔雀蓝”屋顶的武汉大学大学生体育活动中心与武大环境景观融为一体,不仅是第七届世界军人运动会羽毛球比赛场地,也是全国最大的高校体育场馆。馆内使用36只 LAX 特定型号TW115全频音箱,搭配6只M2115/96使用,21台Q系列功放、4台DSP48处理器、8套DANTE数模适配器负责场内音频处理。LAX荣幸代表中国民族品牌为我国军人发声、唱响国家荣耀之声。7 Wuhan Wuhuan Sports Center, it is not only the badminton venue of the 7th world military games, but also the largest university stadium in China. In the museum, 36 pieces of LAX specific TW115 speakers are used, together with 6 pieces of M2115 / 96. 21 pieces of Q-series power amplifiers, 4 pieces of DSP48 processors and 8 pieces of Dante digital analog adapters are responsible for audio processing in the field. LAX is honored to represent China's national brand and sing the voice of national glory for our soldiers. 武汉五环体育中心