丹阳市天禄人家大酒店 |
丹阳市天禄人家大酒店 Tianlu Renjia Hotel, Danyang City 丹阳市天禄凤凰宴会中心,是一个具备专业接待宴会、会务的酒店。可同时承办各种宴席,450余桌。LAX扬声器穿凿6种时尚主题宴会大厅,用悦耳的情曲丰富每一场婚礼,让每一位新人都能拥有一生最难忘的幸福。 Danyang Tianlu Fenghuang Center is a hotel with professional reception and meeting services. It can also host various banquets, with more than 450 tables. With six fashionable theme banquet halls, the LAX speaker enriches every wedding with melodic love songs, so that every couple can have the most unforgettable happiness of their life.