2011-2021广州国际灯光节 |
2011-2021广州国际灯光节 2011-2021 Guangzhou International Light Festival 广州国际灯光节与法国、悉尼并列为世界三大灯光节。LAX连续十年成为指定扩声系统供应商,采用“政府搭台、企业唱戏”的市场化模式,广州国际灯光的举办,见证着广州CBD的崛起、成长,装点着这个城市的夜空。 The Guangzhou International Light Festival is listed as the world's three major light festivals alongside France and Sydney. LAX has been the designated supplier of sound reinforcement systems for ten consecutive years, adopting the market-oriented model of "government setting up stage and enterprises singing", and the holding of Guangzhou International Lighting has witnessed the rise and growth of Guangzhou CBD and decorated the night sky of this city.