2016、2018西部音乐节 |
2016、2018西部音乐节 2016, 2018 Western Music Festival 由文旅音乐节品牌创造者——锐丰文化在成都都江堰打造的。LAX成为指定扩声系统供应商,保证了现场音响最佳效果,震撼的音效得到了观众、游客的赞许。西部音乐节主推“音乐旅行”概念,致力于打造集音乐、潮流、艺术、观光、美食、亲子、露营、运动于一身的一站式音乐互动体验公园。2 It was created in Dujiangyan, Chengdu by Ruifeng Culture, the creator of the cultural tourism music festival brand. LAX has become the designated supplier of sound reinforcement systems, ensuring the best on-site sound effects, and the shocking sound effects have been praised by audiences and tourists. The Western Music Festival mainly promotes the concept of "music travel", and is committed to creating a one-stop music interactive experience park that integrates music, fashion, art, sightseeing, food, parent-child, camping, and sports.