梅州客家(HAKKA)音乐节 |
梅州客家(HAKKA)音乐节 Meizhou Hakka (HAKKA) Music Festival 梅州市在“旅游+”的政策引导下,与锐丰团队携手打造2018梅州客家音乐节大型文娱IP,在客家文化腹地五华县引起当地市民与游客的关注,其“音乐+文化”模式也为来宾打造了“最立体”、“最互动”、“最客家”的深度客家文化体验。 Under the guidance of the "Tourism+" policy, Meizhou and Ruifeng team worked together to create a large-scale entertainment IP for the 2018 Meizhou Hakka Music Festival, which attracted the attention of local citizens and tourists in Wuhua County, the hinterland of Hakka culture. Created the "most three-dimensional", "most interactive" and "most Hakka" in-depth Hakka cultural experience for the guests.