广州亚洲美食节文化文艺展演 |
广州亚洲美食节文化文艺展演 Guangzhou Asian Food Festival Cultural Performance 《我们的亚洲,我们的城》为演出主题的饮食文化盛会,每晚各具风格的精彩演出,从文化层面提升广州“美食之都”品牌国际影响力,展现中华美食文化兼容并蓄的博大胸怀,推动形成亚洲美食文明大发展、文化大交流、人民大联欢的盛世景象。LAX团队倾力打造,为全程演出保驾护航。 "Our Asia, Our City" is a performance-themed food culture event, with wonderful performances of various styles every night, which enhances the international influence of Guangzhou's "Gourmet City" brand from the cultural level, and demonstrates the broad mind of the inclusive Chinese food culture. Promote the formation of a prosperous scene of the great development of Asian gastronomic civilization, cultural exchanges, and people's reunions. The LAX team made every effort to escort the entire performance.