《荔湾风采》大型水舞声光秀 |
《荔湾风采》大型水舞声光秀 "Liwan Style" large-scale water dance sound and light show “一湾青水绿,两岸荔枝红”,以山水为舞台,天穹为帷幕,把蕴承了广府千年的文精髓,通过灯光秀呈现,构成了自然与人文景观格局的天然剧场,让游客充分感受荔湾西关风情的灵秀之气。 "One bay with green water and green lychees on both sides", with landscape as the stage and the sky as the curtain, presents the essence of the Cantonese literature for thousands of years through a light show, forming a natural theater with a natural and cultural landscape pattern, allowing visitors to fully Feel the spiritual beauty of Liwan Xiguan style.