红色礼赞《延安颂》 |
红色礼赞《延安颂》 Red Praise "Ode to Yan'an" 《延安颂》以庆祝建党90周年为主题,展现了中共中央在延安的十三年中,带领中国人民赢得抗战胜利,迎接全国解放的光辉历程和丰功伟绩。全景式地体现了延安对中国革命所做贡献的自豪感、对抗战胜利所做贡献的荣誉感、对国家发展所做贡献的成就感,填补延安高端红色旅游演出的市场空白。 With the theme of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party, "Ode to Yan'an" shows the glorious history and great achievements of the CPC Central Committee in Yan'an, leading the Chinese people to win the War of Resistance against Japan and to welcome the national liberation. It fully embodies Yan'an's sense of pride in contributing to the Chinese revolution, the sense of honor for its contribution to the victory of the war, and the sense of accomplishment for its contribution to national development, filling the market gap of Yan'an high-end red tourism performance.